51 FW Chaplain Corps hosts resiliency luncheon Published Feb. 21, 2019 By Senior Airman Kelsey Tucker 51st Fighter Wing Public Affairs OSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea -- The 51st Fighter Wing Chaplain Corps hosted a resiliency luncheon at the Officer’s Club at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Feb. 21.Attendees were treated to a free lunch as they listened to guest speaker Dr. Dondi Costin, a retired U.S. Air Force chaplain, as he spoke about the event’s theme: “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”Now the third president of Charleston Southern University, Charleston, South Carolina, Costin once served as the Air Force Chief of Chaplains, providing advice on matters pertaining to the religious and moral welfare of Airmen and their families.“My number one message to you is that resiliency should never go away,” said Costin, “because resiliency is nothing more than maturity. Resiliency is nothing more than you as a human being, being able to understand that life will bring you challenges. Do you have what it takes to withstand those challenges, to move through that so that you can fight another day? That’s all resiliency is.”Costin spoke about the necessity of faith and relationships for not only service members, but their families and those around them as well.“As Airmen, resiliency is part of who we are,” said Chaplain Capt. Joseph Idomele, 51st FW chaplain. “(Costin) shared from the scriptures, saying that if we focus our mind on God and think positively, we can overcome anything. He emphasized that 90 percent of the negative thoughts and fears that we have are things that we have no control over.”