151st ARW welcomes new SARC Published March 17, 2020 By Tech. Sgt. John Winn 151 ARW ROLAND R. WRIGHT AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Utah -- In February 2019, Nathan Reid became the first full-time Sexual Assault Response Coordinator for the 151st Air Refueling Wing. After one year on the job, Reid feels like he has hit his stride. When he first arrived, Reid's initial goal was to become a familiar face within the 151st ARW. "[I want people to get] to know [me], so they feel comfortable talking to me," said Reid. "I also want to change the myths and ideas when it comes to the [Sexual Assault Prevention Response] program.” Reid is not new to the SAPR program. While serving on active duty as an Air Force aircrew life support technician at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, and Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, he served as a volunteer victim advocate. The U.S. Air Force defines victim advocates as military members certified by the Defense Department's Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program. They are selected by the SARC to provide essential support, liaison services, and care to victims. In addition to Reid's primary responsibilities and volunteer work while on active duty, he earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice with an emphasis in human services. He later went on to receive a Master of Arts in Human Service Counseling from Liberty University in 2016. Reid separated from the Air Force and returned to his wife's hometown of Dover, where he continued his work helping people. "When I got to Dover, I became an addiction and recovery counselor," said Reid. "Then, I took a job as a counselor for foster kids at a non-profit group home.” Reid mentions that while sexual assaults appear rare in the Utah Air National Guard, it's more likely to occur when a member is either deployed or away at training. "[If something has happened while a member is away, we want them to] come back [and] feel comfortable going to their supervisors.” Due to the differences in restricted and unrestricted reporting, Reid recommends supervisors let their Airman know the supervisor is required to file an unrestricted report if they are informed of a potential sexual assault. Service members and military dependents, (18 years and older), have two options when it comes to reporting sexual assault: unrestricted or restricted reporting. An unrestricted report can be made to a victim advocate, the base SARC, healthcare personnel, chaplains, chain of command, law enforcement, the victim's legal counsel or a supervisor. The unrestricted report starts an official law enforcement investigation, enlists the support of the chain of command, and provides a victim with access to all supportive options, such as legal counseling, medical and counseling services, advocacy services, military protective orders, and more. Reid stressed that a restricted report is confidential and will not go through the member's chain of command. To file a restricted report, he recommends victims talk to a SARC, chaplain, healthcare professional, or legal counsel. Restricted reporting allows the victim to access supportive service options such as advocacy services, legal counsel, medical, and counseling services. "I always describe sexual assault as like losing a leg. You're never going to get that leg back, and you're always going to miss it, and it's going to affect your life, but [with the right supports in place] we can learn how to deal without the leg," said Reid. "When you have trauma, it doesn't go away, you're going to have reminders, there are going to be triggers, but we can learn how to live with those triggers to the best of our abilities." Nathan Reid's office is located in Building 210, directly across from the wing conference room. He can also be reached at (801) 245-2617 or via email at nathanial.g.reid.civ@mail.mil. For more information regarding Sexual Assault Prevention or Response, please visit www.151arw.ang.af.mil/About-us/SAPR.