• Take it SLO: 307th Bomb Wing offers free gun locks

    The Air Force continues to grapple with the problem of suicide in its ranks.  In 2019 alone, 137 active-duty, Guard, Reserve, and civilian Airmen attempted suicide, a 33 percent increase from the year prior.The Air Force recently launched a new initiative called Safes or Locks Outside the home (SLO)

  • Rainier Wing Reservists exercise spiritual fitness

    Before Lt. Col. Hanna Yang, 446th Airlift Wing staff judge advocate, deployed to Iraq, she packed few personal belongings in her 72-hour military surplus bag.Her Bible was one item she didn’t leave behind.For 180 days, Yang relied on her Christian faith to get her through the trying moments of

  • Long Ranger Resilience: Airman thrives on carrots and community

    Carrots are a big deal to Staff Sgt.Danielle Johnson.  It isn’t the crunchy vegetable she craves, it’s a figurative type that motivates one to overcome adversity.The Aircrew Flight Equipment technician has had a military career riddled with setbacks. Each one was overcome by sheer determination and

  • Long Ranger Resilience: Col. Dennis Britten

    As part of an on-going series of features and interviews on resiliency, we highlight a Reserve Citizen Airman of the 307th Bomb Wing who has overcome obstacles to improve themselves and the Air Force. This month, we feature Col. Dennis Britten, 307th Medical Squadron commander whose work ethic and

  • Share your truth: It will be okay

    “I’m going to die.”Was the repeat thought in the mind of Master Sgt. Randi Ross, 926th Wing yellow ribbon program coordinator, as she sat on the phone with her doctor days before Christmas in 2016. She listened in disbelief as her doctor told her she had ductal carcinoma in situ.“I knew what it

  • Enlisted town hall takeaway; you do not walk alone

    Chief Master Sgt. Kahn Scalise, the 302nd Airlift Wing command chief, hosted an enlisted town hall at the base auditorium here June 1, to speak directly with the wing's enlisted Reserve Citizen Airmen about wellness, resilience and communication.